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Dog Sledding in Sweden

Dog Sledding in Sweden

Dog Sledding Photos

If you’ve ever considered dog sledding, one look at these fluffy, adorable husky pups will convince you to plan your first excursion as soon as possible! Playful, affectionate and friendly- these dogs will capture your heart!

Imagine yourself snuggled up on a sled in the crisp, cold air while racing past frozen lakes, and beautiful snowy landscapes. What could be more dreamy!

If you haven’t already visited a winter destination- why not see what Iceland, Norway, Alaska, Finland, Sweden or Canada has to offer??

We spent 4 magical days with 80+ sled dogs in Ottsjö, Sweden with Wild Spirit Dog Sledding.

One glance at the photos from our trip should tell you exactly how enjoyable this experience was!

Emily Rose approaches a husky on a dog sledding excursion!
A dog plops his paw on Emily Rose at Wild Spirit Dog Sledding.
A dog plops his paw on Emily Rose at Wild Spirit Dog Sledding.
Two young huskies look off into the distance.
Dog Sledding in Sweden
A snowy day in Sweden! 
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Emily Rose snuggles up to a dog named Utah.
Dog sledding in Sweden
A young dog curls up with Emily Rose on a snowy day
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Dog Sledding Photos
Sled dog puppy snuggles!
Dog Sledding in Sweden
A gorgeous red husky sits alone on a dog sled.
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Emily Rose snuggles a young husky dog in Sweden.
Dog Sledding photos
Emily Rose drives a dog sled team through Sweden. 
Dog Sledding in Sweden
A dog sled team races through the snow.
Dog Sledding in Sweden
A beautiful husky standing in the snow.
Cloudy, snowy and beautiful outside in Sweden.
dog sledding
Two Siberian huskies stand in their kennel.
dog sledding
Our guide, Adrian stands with two young husky dogs.
dog sledding
Emily Rose driving the dog sled. 
dog sledding
A husky with piercing blue eyes stands in the snow.
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Emily Rose watches the sunset in Sweden at Wild Spirit Sled Dogs.
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Snow collects on a porch railing overlooking a snow capped mountain.
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Dog Sledding Photos
Dog Sledding in Sweden
Goofing off with the dogs and crew of Wild Spirit Sled Dogs! 
dog sledding

Thank you to Wild Spirit for hosting us during our stay!

If you’re planning a trip to Sweden and want to go dog sledding, it can feel intimidating to find a place and figure out how to get there. Sweden has some notoriously difficult pronunciations for their train stations, towns and bus stops.

To avoid getting lost, confused or frustrated while planning – recreate my trip by following these few easy steps for a hassle free adventure!

  • Fly into Stockholm, Sweden
  • Buy a train ticket with GoEuro
  • Take the train from Stockholm to Undersåker
  • Book with Wild Spirit Sled Dogs- they can arrange your transfer from the train station
  • Take the overnight train back to Stockholm after several days

Think you might like to work at a dog sledding company? Read how to find this travel job here.

If you book an excursion with Wild Spirits, tag me in your Instagram post or story so I can reshare you on my page 🙂

Dog Sledding Photos.
Shop my winter look here !

Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!


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