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Is it safe? Specifically for women?

Yes, as safe as any big city. But of course, always be a smart traveler no matter what country you’re in.

But unlike Egypt, I didn’t feel harassed by men. Unfortunately, there are a lot of negative stereotypes that exist about Indian men.

So I arrived with my walls up. I was prepared to be catcalled and harassed. But that simply was not the case. I was pleasantly surprised and relieved! The only time I felt I drew extra attention was when I was dressed up and taking photos in a crowded spot downtown. Then people, men included, would openly watch/stare. But this seemed to be more due to the fact that there weren’t many other Westerners around rather than because I was a woman.

And yes, some people might stare and ask for photos with you. But it was families, kids, elderly women… everyone! Not just men. Male tourists will also be asked for photos. Just be prepared, if you say yes to one person asking for a photo, a line may quickly form behind them with everyone wanting your photo!

Get ready to feel like a celebrity. It’s a bizarre experience!

INDIA: 10 Frequently Asked Questions Answered

Can you drink the water?

No the water is not safe to drink. And sadly this often results in using a lot of bottled water. As a believer in sustainable travel, I struggled with this.

It is hot in India- you need to drink A LOT to stay hydrated. Which unfortunately, results in a lot of plastic waste.

*If other travelers have recommendations for reducing plastic usage in countries where the tap water isn’t safe to drink, please leave a comment and let me know your tips! I’m always looking for ways to reduce my plastic usage abroad.

Did you get sick?

I personally did not. But a sudden switch to nothing but spicy Indian food can leave even the strongest stomach feeling a bit queasy after awhile. Other people on my group trip did get an upset stomach or diarrhea. It’s best to travel with Imodium and Pepto Bismal.

Keep it with you in your day bag. The moment you think you might have gotten sick, take an Imodium to curb it quickly.

What should I wear as a female?

Dress conservatively to both respect the culture and to avoid unwanted stares. Don’t worry about packing too much ahead of time, India is full of markets selling beautiful clothing for incredibly cheap prices. My advice: arrive with a half empty suitcase and do some shopping on your first day! You will find the most stunning shoes, dresses, skirts or sarees to wear during your trip.

Definitely plan to pack or buy lightweight clothing to stay cool on hot days! Scarves are a life-saver for modesty, a pop of color in pictures, and wiping the sticky sweat off your face which unavoidably collects in the hot sun.


10 Frequently Asked Questions About India ANSWERED

When is the best time to go to India?

Traveling in off-season is always your best bet! I went in October when it wasn’t quite so hot but monsoon season had ended so it was dry.

Ultimately anytime between October & March is your best time to visit!

Do you need a visa for India?

Yes you need a visa. You can apply for the year long tourist visa or the 30 day one.

Only apply from this website:

Other places will try to charge you an added fee for applying for the visa through their third party website.

Need help filling out the form? Some of the questions are confusing. Try using this great guide!

How do I find a good tour group to go with?

There are many reputable companies that lead guided trips to India.

If you’re interested in joining me personally in India, I host trips here through my company Wanderlust Group Trips.


Will I have Wifi or do I need a SIM card?

This depends on where you stay. Most hotels will provide high speed internet but if you’re not part of a tour group, you will most likely want data so you can use Google Maps and call Ubers to get around.

India is one of the cheapest countries in the world to get cell data. So if you will be venturing off on your own without a guide, definitely get a SIM card at the airport when you land!

10 Frequently Asked Questions About India ANSWERED

Do people speak English in India?

Yes and no. If you stay at nicer hotels, most people will speak English. And a lot of signs will be printed in English. But many locals will not speak any English.

There are 22 official languages in India (not to mention countless others!) so it’s challenging from one region to the next.

Usually I am able to learn a few phrases and use them throughout the country but with so many languages, I struggled to communicate properly. Often I just greeted locals with a smile and “namaste.”

10 Frequently Asked Questions About India ANSWERED

How do I avoid getting ripped off?

Bargaining is part of the culture in India. Prepare to pay half of the asking price. And in tourist areas- even as much as a quarter. Start by saying “it’s not my first time in India” then low ball the price. Be prepared to walk away. The vendor will usually chase after you offering a lower price!

Use Uber instead of taxis or airport shuttles. Since the price is fixed, the driver can’t over charge you for being a tourist. You can take a 30 minute Uber ride in India for only $2.

Planning a trip to India? Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!

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Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!


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