Couchsurfing: Is it safe?
I know most people are shocked and appalled at the thought of going to a foreign country and sleeping in a complete stranger’s home. It sounds at best, very awkward and at worst, another addition to the Taken anthology starring Liam Neeson. And at first, that was my reaction to couch surfing. And as a female, I was hesitant. Couchsurfing: Is it safe?
But then I downloaded the official CouchSurfing app and started looking into it with an open mind. Now I’ve not only come around to it, but absolutely love it and highly recommend it!
CouchSurfing is an online community of travelers all over the world who want to help others experience their city.

I’ve used CouchSurfing in London, Frankfurt, Texas, Egypt, Istanbul, Sweden, South Carolina, Paris & Hawaii.
It’s basically just FREE Airbnb. *
But with the added bonus of connecting with locals!
*since writing this article, Couchsurfing has added a small fee. In the United States, it is $2.39/month or $14.29/year.

When I first started looking at the site I just kept thinking, this is too good to be true… Why would all these people offer to host strangers for free? Surely all 14 million users are just serial killers who want to wear my skin or sell my organs on the black market right?!
But then I started reading all the verified reviews and saw how many people expressed how having a host friend or family in the city totally made their trip. Hosts helped when travelers got lost, life long friends were made, people cooked each other dinner, shared stories and explored cities together. Often times it was so much more than just a couch. It was a friendly face in a strange, new city.
While I was in London, my host gave me my very own key and told me to come and go as I please from his adorable London flat. Again, ALL FOR FREE. He showed me around some smaller neighborhoods and we had an unforgettable dinner together where we swapped endless travel stories, ate way too much and laughed loads.

Now ladies, I know what you’re wondering. I stayed overnight with a random guy in a foreign country?! Didn’t he hit on you or make you feel uncomfortable?! Nope and nope. The guys I have couch surfed with have always turned out to be stand up guys and never made me feel unsafe, awkward or uncomfortable.
Disclaimer: Ladies might want to avoid sharing trips on the public board
That being said, I’ve made the mistake of publicly announcing a trip in certain countries where CouchSurfing is used as a dating app. (Egypt and India- I’m looking at you! Why are some countries attempting to make CouchSurfing into a traveler’s Tinder?!) I received quite literally HUNDREDS of messages- some genuine and thoughtful and others strange and uncomfortable. So far I’ve been proposed to 3 times on CouchSurfing, even asked if I wanted children, ha! Nope I’m good thanks! *cue eye roll*
But all that aside, I stand firmly with the fact that the app can be used for good. I no longer announce my trips on the community board and chose simply to find a host myself by messaging people. And by doing that, I have had WONDERFUL experiences. It allowed me to travel in cities I would have otherwise never have been able to afford at the time.

And here’s what I suggest for those new to the CouchSurfing app!
You don’t have to host anyone to couch surf yourself. So make an account & check it out.
You don’t have to offer up your home to be able to stay in other people’s homes. Next time you’re going to travel, just see if anyone will host you in that location. Write a nice personalized message to people who have already been positively reviewed by other users. Bit of advice: Always included their name and a personal touch so it doesn’t seem like you’re just doing a copy & paste message to a bunch of people!
Read the reviews thoroughly.
Personally I only stay with people who have been reviewed and I make sure to actually read their reviews to avoid surprises. Once a girl offered to host me but when I read the reviews on her profile, I found out she lived with her boyfriend… and they were both nudists. No judgement, just not my thing. So I chose another host.
Stay with verified users who have hosted lots of other people.
Common sense: stay with people who have been verified and have legitimate reviews. While CouchSurfing can seem more reckless, it’s perfectly safe so long as you smart about how you use it.
Message back and forth before coming so you know if it will be a good fit.
I also usually check out their social media in some capacity as well. Just a bit of light online stalking so I know who I’m meeting up with Many users list their Instagram handle on their page or will give your their Facebook when you agree to stay with them. Otherwise you can chat over WhatsApp to make sure it’s a good fit. (If you plan to stay out late every night and they work early mornings, issues might arise etc.)
Always give someone else the address of where you are staying and your host’s name.
My friends and family were more than slightly concerned when I told them I was going on my first solo trip to Europe for 3 weeks. And oh yeah, did I mention….I’m staying with strangers?? Sorry mom and dad. I realize how that sounds. As a safety precaution, I always share exactly where I am staying, the name of my host and their contact info with a family member or friend. So if they need to check up on me or get in touch with me for an emergency, they can.
But surprisingly, the nights I couch surfed, I felt safer than the nights I was alone at a hotel. With a host, I had someone there to ask questions about anything- like the metro in Germany (“Which line do I need to take again?”) or recommendations. (“What’s your favorite local restaurant?”) Plus there was someone making sure I made it back safely each night. And I found that oddly comforting when I was so far away from home for the first time. So is couchsurfing safe? Yes, I think it can be a great way to stay safe when traveling solo.

Always know where an affordable hostel or hotel is in case something falls through or you get weird/bad/uncomfortable vibes.
I’ve only ever had one poor couchsurfing experience. I was in Frankfurt and my flight was the next morning. When I logged back on the app to let my host know I was on my way, his account had been deactivated.
I never found out why… it was unclear if he deleted his account or if the site flagged him. So I ended up just staying out late with friends instead and since my flight was early in the morning – I just went to the airport early and slept. Nothing too dramatic, just a slight inconvenience.
That being said, it’s best to always have a back up plan. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you don’t owe them anything. Just go check yourself into a hostel for the night. If for some reason you can’t get in contact with your host (again this is very uncommon!) you know where you can safely spend the night.

Overall, CouchSurfing has allowed me to connect with people from all over the world and travel while on a tight budget. As long as you’re smart, I think it can be safe AND a fun way to meet people.
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about CouchSurfing! I’d love to hear your stories