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Dog Sledding in Minnesota

After working as a trip leader for several years with a variety of travel companies, I finally launched my own group trip series: Wanderlust Group Trips!

Here’s a little recap of the magic that took place during my first-ever curated group trip in my home state of Minnesota.

Travel with me!

Dog Sledding in Minnesota


After everyone received negative covid tests, people traveled to Minnesota from Ohio, southern Minnesota, Pennsylvania and New York. We made our way up to Ely, a small town in the north woods surrounded by wilderness.

For the coming 5 days, we made called the Wintergreen Lodge home while dog sledding with Wintergreen Dog Sledding.

Wintergreen Lodge

Our first night, we had a welcome dinner then went down to meet the dogs!

It was love at first sight when I saw Brewster, one of the largest, fluffiest & friendliest dogs at Wintergreen!

Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Me & Brewster at the Wintergreen Lodge
Dog Sledding in Minnesota

On Thursday, we learned how to harness the dogs, drive a sled & mush our own team!

We spent the whole morning out on the trails, came back to the lodge for lunch & then returned to sled some more in the afternoon!

As a group, we were caught off guard how athletic dog sledding could be at times! With tight turns & steep downhills, we felt like we were zooming past trees, rocks & branches. After a couple of wipeouts, our new motto became “Brace for impact!!” There was never a dull moment out on the trails!

In the evening, we had dinner at our lodge. Each meal was prepared by a private chef onsite and served family style.

The lake was only a few steps from our lodge and provided a spectacular spot for sunset viewing!

Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota

After sunset, we would warm up in the sauna each night or gather around the campfire!
Dog Sledding in Minnesota

We left in the morning for an entire day of dog sledding!

We ventured across frozen lakes, over bogs, through the woods and traveled many miles across stunning winter landscapes.
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota

Rather than coming back to the lodge for lunch, we had a hot lunch at a campsite out on the trails!

Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Stopping at the Wintergreen campsite along the trails for lunch

After spending all day out on the trails, Hannah and I decided to camp out under the stars with the dogs.

Wintergreen provided us with quality winter camping gear from Wiggy’s which were designed for temperatures of -40 degrees fahrenheit. We were nice and toasty warm despite all the snow!

Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota

Our final day on the trails, we spent another full day out dog sledding! According to our local guides Bo & Eric, we did a whopping 18+ miles!

It was a super fun and active day. And the dogs were as wonderful as always!

Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Great drone shot capture by Claudia!
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Relaxing back at the Wintergreen sauna
Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Brewster relaxing outside Wintergreen Lodge

On our last day, we woke up and had a final brunch together before walking to the dog yards to say our goodbyes!

It’s amazing how close of a bond you form with the dogs over just a few short days.

Fortunately I knew I would be back for weeks 2 & 3 of my group trips.

Dog Sledding in Minnesota
Dog Sledding in Minnesota


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SDog Sledding in Minnesota

Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!

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