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Exploring Lake Mburo National Park: Walking Safaris in Uganda

If you’re looking for a unique safari experience in Uganda, Lake Mburo National Park should be at the top of your list.

Nestled in the western part of the country, this park offers an incredible blend of wildlife, stunning landscapes, and one of the most exciting ways to explore it all—walking safaris, also known as “bushwalks.”

 Lake Mburo National Park

 Lake Mburo National Park

You can watch a recap of my most recent walking safari here:

Why Lake Mburo National Park?

Lake Mburo is a compact yet diverse national park, covering 260 square kilometers of rolling hills, savannah, acacia woodlands, and wetlands.

It’s the perfect destination for those who want to experience Uganda’s natural beauty without the crowds found in more famous parks like Murchison Falls or Queen Elizabeth.

 Lake Mburo National Park
 Lake Mburo National Park

The Unique Appeal of Walking Safaris

Most safaris involve driving through the wilderness in a 4×4 vehicle, but Lake Mburo offers something a bit different.

 Lake Mburo National Park

Walking safaris, or bushwalks, allow you to step right into the heart of nature, giving you a more intimate and immersive experience. Here’s why you should try it:

  1. Close Encounters with Wildlife: On a bushwalk, you can get much closer to the animals than you would in a vehicle. Imagine watching a herd of zebras graze just a few meters away or spotting a shy bushbuck hiding in the tall grass.
  2. Sense of Adventure: There’s something thrilling about exploring the wild on foot. Every rustle in the bushes and distant call of a bird adds to the excitement.
  3. Connect with Nature: Walking through the park lets you appreciate the smaller details that you might miss from a car. You’ll see the intricate patterns of insects, the variety of plant life, and the tracks and signs left by animals.
  4. Expert Guides: These walks are led by experienced rangers who know the park inside out. They’ll not only keep you safe but also share fascinating insights about the ecosystem, animal behavior, and local flora and fauna.

What to Expect on a Bushwalk

Walking safaris in Lake Mburo typically start early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the temperatures are cooler, and the wildlife is more active. Here’s what a typical bushwalk might look like:

  • Meet Your Guide: You’ll start by meeting your guide, who will brief you on safety and what to expect during the walk.
  • Start Walking: As you set off, the pace is leisurely, allowing you to fully soak in the surroundings. Keep your eyes and ears open—you never know what you might encounter!
  • Wildlife Spotting: Your guide will help you spot various animals, from impalas and warthogs to the elusive leopard. They’ll also point out interesting plants and tell you about their uses.
  • Return to Camp: After a few hours, you’ll head back to camp, feeling invigorated and enriched by your close encounter with nature.
 Lake Mburo National Park

Tips for a Great Walking Safari

  1. Dress Comfortably: Wear lightweight, breathable clothing in neutral colors. Good walking shoes are a must.
  2. Bring Essentials: Don’t forget your hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and insect repellent. A small backpack for water and snacks is also handy.
  3. Stay Quiet: Animals are more likely to stay nearby if you’re quiet. Move slowly and avoid sudden movements.
  4. Listen to Your Guide: Always follow your guide’s instructions—they’re there to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience.
 Lake Mburo National Park

Where To Stay

If you plan to do a walking safari in Lake Mburo Natioal Park, you’ve got to stay at one of my favorite lodges in Uganda, Kigambira Safari Lodge.

“Kigambira Safari Lodge is a luxury eco – lodge built in the southern part of lake Mburo National Park which is Uganda’s closest national park from Entebbe international Airport. The name Kigambira is derived from lake kigambira which is right next to the property. Its a 36km drive into the park off the main Kampala-Mbarara highway nestled between lake kigambira and the Rubaga forest. So for tourist en-route to or from Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Kigambira safari lodge is a must stop over destination to relax and unwind.

The location provides an ideal base for the adventurous traveler with a range of activities from game drives, boat trips on lake Mburo, bush breakfast, nature walk expeditions and exhilarating hikes through the low canopied forest or the looping trail around Lake Kigambira in lake Mburo National Park.”

How To Book

Devine African Safaris is my go-to tour operator for everything in Uganda!

They really are experts and have such a speedy response time whenever I have questions about anything I’m booking. They are locally owned and the entire team at Devine is just amazing!

You can reach out to them on Whatsapp or email to arrange any tour in Uganda and they will do an excellent job.

Overall, Lake Mburo National Park is a fantastic destination for anyone looking to experience Uganda’s wildlife in a unique and personal way. Walking safaris offer a chance to truly connect with nature, making your safari adventure unforgettable.

So, lace up your walking shoes, grab your camera, and get ready to explore the wild on foot at Lake Mburo!

 Lake Mburo National Park

Happy bushwalking!

 Lake Mburo National Park

If this sounds like fun, this is an activity we offer on my Wanderlust Group Trips in Uganda! Stay tuned for more dates and departures.

Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!

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