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How I Stay In Shape When Traveling Full Time

Truthfully, I have gained weight while traveling. I’ve found it to be a little unavoidable. I didn’t come to Italy to NOT eat any pasta. And I certainly didn’t travel all the way to Oktoberfest to pass on several (okay, many!) steins of beer. Indulging in a culture’s food is a huge part of traveling. I would never say to just drink water and eat salads in a destination. Ever.

That being said, there are a few easy things you can do that make all the difference. For me, that meant finding a way to work out even if I was in an Airbnb with no gym access. Or traveling in a country where gyms and workout classes don’t even exist as an option.


Toned in 90 Days

I was very happy to come across V-Shred and their Toned in 90 Days program while it was on sale for $37. (Helpful hint- it’s often on sale! Check Pinterest.) The reason I love the Toned in 90 Days Program is because it requires no gym and no workout gear. There is an “at-home” option that you can do in any hotel room, Airbnb or even on the beach if needed!

You have the option of following meal plans, adding additional workouts and joining the accountability Facebook group.

How I Stay In Shape When Traveling Full Time

And even better still? It’s under 30 minutes. If I’m in a new country and racing to get out the door, it’s unlikely I’m going to work out for a full hour. Something high intensity and quick in the morning is a lot more likely.

Full disclosure: while living out a campervan in Australia, I missed every single day. Whoops! It happens. But other times, I’ve found this program super easy to follow because you need NOTHING and almost no space. Which if you’re traveling long term, that’s ideal. I certainly don’t have room for weights or resistance bands in my carry on. The trainer guides you through every step with music and easy to follow exercises.

This isn’t an affiliate link. And I receive no commission by recommending this program. I just struggled to find something that worked for me while traveling. Maybe it will work for you as well 🙂

How I Stay In Shape When Traveling Full Time
Opt for more active sightseeing like hiking!

If you found a way to work out while on the road- great! If not, I firmly believe traveling itself can be quite the workout. From lugging a heavy backpack around to hiking up to the best viewpoints- we are often very active when we travel. And if you aren’t, get in the habit! Do that sunrise hike. Go snorkeling. Walk instead of Uber- it’s the best way to see a city! Try to find at least one sunrise hike in every destination. You’ll get fantastic photos AND a great workout!

How I Stay In Shape When Traveling Full Time
Try not to drink your calories!

Do as I say and not as I do! Sugary cocktails and alcoholic drinks with juicy mixers will rack up the calories in no time. If you only go on vacation a few times a year, enjoy yourself and don’t count calories at all!! But if you’re traveling long term like I am, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like every day is a holiday and calories never count. (Spoiler alert: they unfortunately do!) Know when to make smart choices and when to splurge.

How I Stay In Shape When Traveling Full Time
Opt for more picnics instead of always eating out!

Some of my favorite travel memories come from having a picnic in an epic location. Whether we were on a mountain top, the beach, in the desert or some iconic tourist landmark- it was so much more enjoyable to soak in our surroundings and people watch. Eating out every single meal is the quickest way to strain your budget and devour a lot of unnecessary calories.

One of my favorite memories from Rome was waking up before sunrise to have a picnic on the infamous Spanish Steps. Not only did we completely avoid the overwhelming crowds usually gathered there but we had a delicious and healthy breakfast that was also very budget friendly 🙂

How I Stay In Shape When Traveling Full Time
Having a picnic in the Sahara Desert as we road tripped south across Egypt.

Best of luck my long term travelers! Life on the road isn’t always easy but it sure can be incredible. See you out there! If you’re in need of a suitcase- check out my recommendation here.

Looking for discount travel deals? Check out the trips on TourRadar!

Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!

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