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How To Survive Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

If you recently read my guide HOW TO DO MUNICH’S OKTOBERFEST ON A BUDGET then you already know that the Stoke Travel campsite is my go-to place for budget accommodation during Oktoberfest.

For just €65 a night, you can get your accommodation, dinner, breakfast, access to campsite concerts & DJ’s anddddddd unlimited free beer and sangria at the campsite with promo code thewanderlustrose.

It’s really a steal.

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But there’s a few things you should know to prepare yourself for Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel- or as they call it: Stoktoberfest!


Code: THEWANDERLUSTROSE for free unlimited drinks at the festival campsites! 🍻 #stoketravel #budgettravel #backpackeurope

♬ The Nights – Avicii

Pack Warm Layers for the Festival

Ladies, the dirndls are adorable and everyone looks great in them. With such a flattering style, it’s hard to look bad at Oktoberfest. But if you stay out late, chances are good you’ll be freezing cold! Wear tights under your dress for starters. It will be your saving grace!

Also, be sure to pack a cardigan or jacket to toss on over your dress. If you’re riding rides at night or walking around outside, it will be chilly!

I also loved having my fingerless gloves while riding the metro back to the campsite with all the others guests. The party just continues on after the beer halls! But if you’re like me and your hand gets cold easy, have something with you to toss on. Of course, drinking a couple extra beers will also help 😉 

Warm socks are a life saver! If you only have tights on in your shoes, your feet will get cold at night. Come prepared so you can stay warm.

You Can Buy German Outfits At The Campsite, In Munich Or Online Before Arriving

If you show up to Oktoberfest without lederhosen or a dirndl, no worries- Stoke Travel sells the complete outfits in their merch tent. You can also find them in shops around Munich.

But you can also buy them online ahead of time!

Amazon has a wide variety of quality options! Ladies, if you want to avoid looking like a tourist- get the longer skirts. Traditionally the outfits aren’t super short. Skirts usually fall past the knees.

Pack Warm Clothes To Sleep In

You’re camping, it’s fall in Germany. You’d think people would keep this in mind while packing but it never fails that people are undressed and therefore, cold at night.

Not only in their tents but at the festival. Plan accordingly! You’ll probably want to sleep in sweat pants and a sweatshirt + layers, layers, layers in case you hit a cold weekend.  

Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

Pack A Portable Charger

Unless you pay for the upgraded “glamping” option, your tent won’t have a plug to charge your phone. You can get your phone charged at by the Stoke staff at the “Guru” tent but it will really help if you also have a portable charger that you can bring and get charged with it.

It will cost €1-2 to charge you phone & charger each time. And you’ll need to provide your own phone chord as well.

Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

Don’t Over Sleep And Miss Breakfast 

You’ll have to collect a meal ticket from the “Guru tent” before each meal – but with all the unavoidable drinking going on, you won’t want to start your day with an empty stomach.

Make sure you show up before last call!

Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

Bring Your Own Refillable Water Bottle

 You will only be given one Stoke Travel cup for free- after that you’ll have to pay to replace it.

Typically your cup will be full with the free sangria or beer onsite so you’ll want a water bottle as well.

There is water tap at the campsite where you can get refill it 24/7. 

On Weekends, Go To The Beer Halls EARLY!

Oktoberfest draws crowds of six million each year, with the weekends being the busiest time time of the festival. If you’re wanting to go to one of the popular beer halls, you’ll need to go before dinner time on the weekend or you might not be let in. 

Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

Skip Reserving A Table At The Festival

It’s expensive to pre-book the meal and beer vouchers needed to reserve a table and if you’re doing Oktoberfest on a budget (which I’m guessing you are since you’re camping!) it’s not worth it.

You can always sit in the biergartens without a reservation and earlier in the day!

How To Survive Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

Indulge In Late Night Snacks At The Campsite

Did you know there is such thing as a chicken nugget vending machine? Yeah I didn’t either until I camped with Stoke at Oktoberfest. For €5, you can get a basket of piping hot, freshly fried chicken nuggets.

They also have pizza and french fry vending machines. The machines fry the food right there on the spot and serve it VERY hot. I won’t try to claim this is the healthiest option (ha, obviously not!), but when you come back to the campsite after being at the festival all day- you’re gonna want to fill your belly with something warm. So hello, pizza, nuggets and fries! 

How To Survive Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel

Never Argue With The Oktoberfest Staff

Whether it’s the bouncers at the door, the waitress who just yelled at you for standing on a table or the bathroom monitors- just know, whatever they say, goes!

The staff deal with really drunk people for several weeks on end and just beware, they aren’t known for their patience.

Don’t get kicked out of the festival because you tried to argue with the angry German guard who told you to stop cutting the line. 

Beware The Brutal Fun Houses

It’s Stokie tradition to go through the fun houses at night once every has had a few beers. Only thing is, these Fun Houses are absolute death traps after a drink. Swirling tunnels, bouncing steps, and slides all contribute to many black eyes, bruises and bumps on the head. I won’t say not to do it (it’s a blast!) just know you’re in for a womping.

Pack A Rain Jacket & Umbrella

Check the forecast before your trip! Germany in the fall has frequent rain, so you’ll be a lot more comfortable if you’re prepared .

Once you’re in the beer halls, you’ll obviously have a roof over your head, so not to worry!

And the campsite has an indoor bar you can hang out if it happens to rain while you’re there. But you’ll want to stay dry on the way in and out of the festival. 

Oktoberfest is a bucket list experience for many travelers and camping at a party site doubles the fun. With concerts, themed bars and performers- the campsite is just as much of a good time as the festival itself.

Interested in glamping at Oktoberfest? Read about it here.
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THEWANDERLUSTROSE for free unlimited drinks at the Stoke Travel campsite #oktoberfest #munichgermany #germany #traveltheworld

♬ Cordula Grün – Norman Langen

Let me know if you have any questions! If you book, tag me in your Instagram posts or stories so I can reshare you on my page 🙂

Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!


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