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 travel blogging wordpress plugins

Blogger travel blogging wordpress plugins.

Travel Blogging: WordPress Plugins To Increase Traffic To Your Site

If you follow and read my blog, you’ll know I talk a lot about travel jobs around the world and how YOU can get paid to travel. I give that information freely and genuinely love receiving all the messages I get about wonderful experiences people have had abroad with tips or suggestions from my site. But until now, I haven’t shared anything on my site about travel blogging itself as a job.

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Recently, I shared some of my favorite plugins on my Instagram to increase traffic to your travel blog and received a lot of positive response so I wanted to expand and elaborate further through a full blog post. I hope you find this helpful 🙂

My Top 5 WordPress Plugins To Increase Traffic To Your Blog

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is an absolute must for WordPress bloggers. This is how you will rank higher on Google. It will give you an easy to follow checklist showing how SEO friendly your article is or isn’t.

This analysis will tell you exactly what to fix. You might be missing outbound links or internal links. Or maybe you haven’t included your keyword or phrase enough times. Maybe your blog post isn’t the minimum 300 words and you need to write more.

Whatever it is, Yoast SEO will tell you exactly what to fix with it’s easy to use analysis.

Travel Blogging: My 5 Favorite Plugins To Increase Traffic To Your WordPress Blog

2. Smash Balloon – Instagram Feed

This WordPress plugin is great for obvious reasons. If someone finds your blog through Google or Pinterest and clicks away without saving your post, they might not come across your content again. Ideally, you want to convert them into a reader who sticks around for more than just one blog post. If they connect with you on Instagram, you’ll be able to share blog updates on your social media and hopefully keep them coming back in the future 🙂

There are a number of plugins that will display your Instagram account but I like the plugin Smash Balloon because it’s free and very easy to use. You can decide how many photos to show from your account. Then simply copy and paste the generated code wherever you’d like to display it on your site.

If you click the feed below, you’ll see it’s interactive and takes you right to my Instagram page. This makes it very easy for readers to follow you!

3. Author Bio Box

Similar to Instagram Feed, this WordPress plugin will help connect first time readers to the name and the story behind the blog. If someone randomly searches “how to do Oktoberfest on a budget” on Google and comes across my site, they won’t have any idea who is writing the article.

It’s best if you can show your readers the face behind the screen so they can connect with you personally.

Seeing who you are in the author box can lead them to finding out more about your story. So now, at the bottom of each post, my author bio box is always displayed.

Travel Blogging: My 5 Favorite Plugins To Increase Traffic To Your WordPress Blog
travel blogging wordpress plugins

4. Social Warfare

Social Warfare is a game changer for a WordPress blog. As you can see in the image from my site below, there are three easy tabs that pop up on my site- the Facebook icon, the Pinterest icon and the Twitter icon! With just a quick click, readers can share you posts to their social media.

This does wonders for your traffic and page views. It also gives your site credibility and helps it rank higher if Google sees it’s been shared a lot online.

Lots of social shares= a healthy, high ranking site!

5. Interactive Geo Maps PRO

If you’re a travel blogger using WordPress, you will most likely want to invest in an interactive map at some point. The previous plugins I listed are all free. But for a good map, you will need to pay a little.

I happened to buy mine when Interactive Geo Maps PRO was having a sale so it was a very minimal expense.

Just click the countries below to see the articles I’ve written about each destination!

Zoom level changed to 1
travel blogging wordpress plugins

Let me know if you have any questions about travel blogging. Best of luck in your blogging endeavors 🙂

Pro tip: One of the best things you can do as a blogger is learn about SEO! There is plenty of free information online like this article. Happy learning!

Save on Pinterest for later!

Want to get paid as a travel blogger?
Sign up for Travel Payouts and earn money when you refer and recommend hotels, tours etc.

Follow Along On The Adventure…

travel blogging wordpress plugins

Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!


  • Christina says:

    Thanks for this! I have just started to build my blog with WordPress and feel a bit overwhelmed. I’ll definately check all of these plugins out 🙂

  • I recently just started a travel blog myself and was looking for an article on shareable buttons that link to pinterest and instagram easily. I just installed some of plugins you recommended and slowly am learning how they work. I wanted to let you know that the Instagram Feed plug in you recommended is now known as Smash Balloon Instagram Feed. Thanks so much for your help!

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