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van life in australia

Van Life In Australia

Living out of a van and road tripping across Australia is one of my favorite travel memories to date. If you like adventure, the outdoors and have laid back travel companions- this trip will be one you’ll never forget! Australia has so much to offer from breathtaking national parks to some of the best beaches in the world. There is a reason van life in Australia is so popular!

For our trip, we used JUCY Campervans.

But after driving from Brisbane all the way up to the Daintree Rainforest at the top of Australia, I realized we were missing a couple key things in our packing list! So I’ve compiled the list below for your first road trip around Australia.

A Quick Drying Towel

Living out of a van means you’ll often be showering at the beach, pulling the van over to swim in rock pools and chasing waterfalls. You don’t want to be carrying around a soaking wet towels as you go. Invest in a quick drying towel to help keep the inside of the van dry and smelling fresh.

With so many swimming opportunities, will need your towel in Australia A LOT. Having a quick drying one will ensure you have a dry towel to use when you need it.

van life in australia
van life in australia

Dryer Sheets

I wish I could say your van will always smell wonderfully fresh but that just isn’t so! Australia is HOT. You will be sweaty from hiking, sandboarding, adventuring…whatever it is you’re doing! You will want to have an air freshener in the car or ideally, dryer sheets.

How To Use Dryer Sheets In the Van

  1. Tuck them into your luggage when you have sweaty clothes between laundry.
  2. Hold them up against the fan as you drive to help circulate fresh smelling air.
  3. Tuck them in between the seats and bedding to help keep your bed smelling fresh. After all, you will be sleeping, eating and living out of this van.

More than once we came back to the van after a hike in the hot, humid rainforest only to find out wet towels and yesterdays hiking clothes had stunk up the van a bit. Fast drying towels and dryer sheets are the way to go!

van life in australia

Bug Spray
or this Mosquito Repeller

Australia is beautiful. But all these natural swimming holes, rainforest climates and humid weather means plenty of bugs. And even more mosquitoes. If you plan to go on adventures in the evening (like the turtles hatching in Mon Repo!) you’ll definitely want to spray yourself down to avoid getting covered in bites.

If you’d like to hang out at night with the hatch of your van open and picnic or have a few drinks, you might want to buy a mosquito repeller. This one repels mosquitoes and bugs for nearly 7 hours without having to spray yourself.

what to pack for australia campervan
van life in australia

Dry Shampoo

Again, Australia is hot and humid. Plan to sweat. Pack a hat to cover greasy hair but plan on traveling with dry shampoo as well.

Trust me, you’ll be thankful when you look back on your travel photos from this trip.

what to pack for australia campervan van life in australia

Eye Mask & Ear Plugs

As soon as the sunrose, we were up. It was nearly impossible to sleep in because the vans let in so much natural light. For a shorter trip, we were happy to have nature’s alarm clock waking us up so early so we could arrive at destinations first.

But if you plan to travel long term in a van or aren’t an early riser, you might want the occasional sleep in past sunrise. In which case, you’d definitely need an eye mask.

what to pack for australia campervan
van life in australia

Multiplug & Inverter

If you have multiple people in the van wanting to charge cell phones, laptops, camera batteries, GoPros etc… you will benefit greatly from having a multiplug charging device!

It depends on your van and whether you are parking at paid campsites with power but most vans won’t allow you to charge when the van is off. Therefore, you’ll need to charge all your devices at once when you’re driving.

what to pack for australia campervan
van life in australia


Get ready to use your camera at beautiful, sandy beaches or the dry, dusty outback. Either way, there is plenty of dirt and sand being kicked up onto your camera lens. I found it difficult to keep mine clean while traveling in a van so I purchased a LensPen afterwards.

Can’t recommend it enough! It will help keep your lens clean without scratching it during your trip.

what to pack for australia campervan
what to pack for australia campervan

Hand Sanitizer

You will be feeding kangaroos, climbing through the rainforest, snorkeling in the ocean… so many wonderful activities that will leave your hands feeling less than clean. While the Jucy van we rented comes with a sink, we often found it much easier to just keep some hand sanitizer on us.

what to pack for australia campervan
what to pack for australia campervan
Let me know if you think I’ve missed anything on my packing list and enjoy Australia!
what to pack for australia campervan

Van Life Australia- Don’t Forget To Pack:

  1. A Quick Drying Towel
  2. Dryer Sheets
  3. Bug Spray or if you want an even better option, this Mosquito Repeller
  4. Dry Shampoo
  5. Eye Mask & Ear Plugs
  6. Multiplug & Inverter
  7. LensPen
  8. Hand Sanitizer

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This is your sign to go on a spontaneous #roadtrip with your friends šŸš™ #vanlife #australia #travel #traveltheworld

ā™¬ Run – Delta Rae

More on Australia? Keep reading:


Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!

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