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White Sand Dunes of New Mexico

White Sand Dunes of New Mexico

For two years I’ve been telling people that the White Sand Dunes of New Mexico were at the top of my bucket list. And if you follow me on Instagram you might have recently seen that my dream became a reality when I went with one of my best friends on a girls road trip from Arizona to New Mexico aka “the Land of Enchantment.”

Well I’m happy to report it’s every bit as enchanting as I dreamed. And it’s time you put the White Sand Dunes and New Mexico on YOUR bucket list too!

Here’s everything you need to know to plan your trip!

White Sand Dunes of New Mexico
White Sand Dunes of New Mexico

Buy the USA National Park Pass

As of December 20, 2019 the White Sand Dunes became a national park! And f you want to visit multiple days like we did, you’ll save A LOT of money if you buy the “America the Beautiful” pass which gives you UNLIMITED free entrance to ALL national parks for a year for $80. If you even plan to visit 2 parks in a year, it’s worth it.

Camping in the park

You can camp overnight in the park just not during covid unfortunately. The campsites we saw were drive-in sites with a fire pit, shade with seating and clean bathrooms nearby.

I have every intention of coming back and camping in this stunning landscape!

Stay at Hotel Encanto De Las Cruces

Hotel Encanto is a luxurious but cheap hotel located just 50 minutes away (there aren’t any towns closer to the dunes!) and I highly recommend staying there.

The rooms are clean and the hotel pool is just waiting to be the background of your next Instagram shoot. The restaurant, lobby, bar… we loved it all!

Rent a sled

You can rent sleds in the visitor’s office to slide down the dunes or you can bring your own if you have one!

Don’t skip sunrise

Wake up early and catch sunrise from the dunes, it’s pure magic.

The park opens at 7am but if you’re waiting and ready to go as soon as it opens, you’ll still be able to catch some of the magical morning light. If you camp at the park, even easier!

White Sand Dunes of New Mexico

Bring sunglasses

If you plan to be there midday, pack sunglasses! All that white sand reflecting the sun gets impossibly bright.

Border check points

You’ll probably have to pass through an internal border control checkpoint on your drive to the dunes since you are only one hour from the Mexico border. It only takes a second and they will most likely only check the back of your car and ask if you’re a USA citizen.

Pack layers for mornings or night

It’s hot in New Mexico but mornings and nights can be quite cool on the dunes. Even the sand itself will be cool to the touch.

Leave only footprints

Let’s do everything we can to protect this remarkable place shall we? It’s every bit as white as it looks in the photos and I’d love it if always stayed that way. So leave on footprints my friends!

Read: The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace.

And yes, it really is as beautiful in real life as it looks online!

White Sand Dunes of New Mexico
More on National Parks:

Shop my dress from the White Sand Dunes

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Emily Rose

Hi, I'm Emily Rose! In 2018, I sold all my stuff and moved into my suitcase to travel full time and work around the world! Follow along for the best travel jobs, photos to fuel your wanderlust and epic adventures!

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